Prompt 2 Brainstorm

The three texts I will be using are Restak’s “Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era” Anderson’s “In Defense of Distraction” and King’s “Adults, We Need to Have the Talk.” My main argument is that the wealth f constant informations is weakening young minds. Before technology, life was more calming and less busy. In today’s world, we are in a state of constant change and multitasking. This causes the demands on our brain to increase. When this happens, our brain can become overburdened causing it to become inefficient and prone to mistakes. This constant use of our brains is literally beginning to change the structure of it. Kings states that knowledge is power, but now we can have access to any information at a given moment. Both Anderson and Restaktalk about ADHD so this topic will be discussed in a separate paragraph.

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