Stigma and Mental Health

Mental illness has been stigmatized for many years now. People with mental illnesses are at a higher risk to be ostracized and rejected by members of their society. They are seen as different than their community, and media tends to associate being different with a negative trait. It is common to hear that people with mental illness are violent, unable to care for themselves, and that it is their own fault that they have a mental illness. They hear and read these things that people say about them, and begin to associate themselves with those qualities. This has lead to self-stigmatization in many people who have mental illnesses. In todays culture, labels and stereotypes play a large role on how people think of themselves and others. Through big platforms like social media, it is much easier to express opinions and read what others say.  

Culture and spirituality play a large role in response to mental illness. Things like how the individual responds and copes with mental illness vary for each culture. For some individuals, spirituality is linked with their everyday lives. To them, a disturbance or lack of spirituality can affect their physical health. This includes mental illness. For this individual, the ways they cope with their mental illness may involve prayer or mediation. The important idea to understand is that each person diagnosed with a mental illness will have their own specific response. It is best to make sure that individuality is emphasized when treating patients so they can receive the best care possible. 

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