Questions for Bill Wasik

Bill Wasik begins this chapter of his book by talking about boredom. He said that he believes that boredom is worth interrogating in some detail. In 1986, a test was designed to comprehensively measure boredom within the individual. There were 28 true or false statements to assess how boredom-prone the individual can be. Many of these statements I can personally relate to. For example I find it hard to concentrate, I find myself constantly trapped doing meaningless things, I worry about other matters while I work, and most importantly, I am bad at waiting patiently and can get extremely restless. These are just a few examples that Wasik uses to compare himself to a boredom prone person that I also can relate to. Today’s fast-paced world I believe that many people can relate to the statements. I was importantly technology plays a large role on how we view boredom. Technology acts as a solution to most people’s state of boredom. No longer do we have to be content with our boredom, we only have to just pick up our phones and use them to go on the internet so that we no longer have to be bored.

The Internet was the backbone im Bill Wasik’s Mob experiment. Without any descriptions, Bill sent an email without being straightforward about what the gathering would be like Ultimately the people receiving emails would come together for no specific reason because they had no idea what this event would be about. As time went on word spread and many people had appeared to this gathering. This gathering had been on headlines and throughout the media and articles have been written about this as well. A little while after she had received many emails saying that different parts of the country wanted to follow in his footsteps and create a gathering similar to his. It is amazing to think about that with just one email, many people can be brought together. Without today’s technology and Internet word would not be so easily spread in this experiment would not be as effective.

The Internet was the backbone im Bill Wasik’s Mob experiment. Without any descriptions, Bill sent an email without being straightforward about what the gathering would be like Ultimately the people receiving emails would come together for no specific reason because they had no idea what this event would be about. As time went on word spread and many people had appeared to this gathering. This gathering had been on headlines and throughout the media and articles have been written about this as well. A little while after she had received many emails saying that different parts of the country wanted to follow in his footsteps and create a gathering similar to his. It is amazing to think about that with just one email, many people can be brought together. Without today’s technology and Internet word would not be so easily spread in this experiment would not be as effective.

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