Revision Plan 3

The first, and most important, concept I need to add to my paper is the idea of finding meaning and purpose. It is important for me to introduce the idea that the use of the internet is negatively impacting how young people find purpose in my thesis. Not only do I have to incorporate this in my thesis, I also need to add it throughout the entire paper. The next important thing I need to do is make sure my paper contains less summary. My own personal claims need to be stronger and only supported by the articles instead of being the other way around. The last thing I need to go over in the organization of my paper. It is important to make sure my ideas are presented in an order that will allow the reader to follow my paper easily and allows it to flow better.

Making Connections

I have been applying the recursive process in my life for a long time without even knowing it. I started gymnastics at a young age and this is a sport that requires preparation, repetition, and self-awareness. The first step in learning a new skill is understanding how it works. This step is important because without knowing what you are doing, it is extremely likely that doing it wrong could unfortunately lead to falling and even getting injured. After knowing what to do, repetition is key. I would be at the gym 5 days a week repeating the same skills over and over again to perfect them. It is important to be self-aware in gymnastics because you do not want to try and push yourself to do something that is not safe. This can apply to writing when you are thinking of a topic to write about. You have to know when choosing a topic and a claim that you need to have enough information to support yourself. It is like the human body in gymnastics, if you know your body will not be able to support the impact of the skill, it is important to stop or find a different skill that will allow you to get to the same end result.

how to evaluate a source homework

The article that I found is called “Exploring Internet Addiction.” This essay is written by An-Pyng Sun. The first reason I believe that this is a reputable source Is because where I found the website. I went to the UNE website through library services to find my article. I did an advanced search on topics I found relevant to the paper. The website I found is called ProQuest, and this is one website that we talked about in the library that can be considered a reputable source. The second reason why I believe this is a reputable source is because of the author herself. The author has a PhD, LCSW, and is considered an addiction professional from Cleveland. I also looked her up on the Internet to see how reputable she may be and I found that she is well established. The last reason I found the source reputable is through the information contained within the essay itself. When reading this essay, it is obvious that this is strongly based on factual information. Her information is based from research and experiments done. This is not the type of article to express opinions and judgments about the use the Internet, it simply relates how the use of the Internet can be considered an addiction.

The essay that I chose is about how overuse of the internet can be considered an addiction. In this essay, the author relates the use of the Internet to the three classic addiction symptoms. She states that a person can experience withdrawals, tolerance, and relapse, just like a person with a substance related issue. In addition to these symptoms, there are also the neurobiological and genetic issues when it comes to addiction. Research has been done about how the brain individuals can change because of Internet addiction. She also states that she believes that more research is needed in this area.

Next, the author talks about why we use Internet. She talks about “the triple A” theory. This “triple A” includes availability, affordability, and anonymity. She also talks about why the Internet can be so exciting to us. This is one way I can relate this essay back to Wasik’s article. It is important to understand why we feel a connection to the Internet and how it is used.

The last reason I chose this essay is because it also talks about how to help the individuals who could potentially have an Internet addiction. Not only this, she also talks about who can please susceptible to having an Internet addiction. She talks about ADHD and how is critical to understand if there any other co-occurring disorders when diagnosing Internet addiction. This is one way that this essay can be related back to Restak.
