Making Connections

I have been applying the recursive process in my life for a long time without even knowing it. I started gymnastics at a young age and this is a sport that requires preparation, repetition, and self-awareness. The first step in learning a new skill is understanding how it works. This step is important because without knowing what you are doing, it is extremely likely that doing it wrong could unfortunately lead to falling and even getting injured. After knowing what to do, repetition is key. I would be at the gym 5 days a week repeating the same skills over and over again to perfect them. It is important to be self-aware in gymnastics because you do not want to try and push yourself to do something that is not safe. This can apply to writing when you are thinking of a topic to write about. You have to know when choosing a topic and a claim that you need to have enough information to support yourself. It is like the human body in gymnastics, if you know your body will not be able to support the impact of the skill, it is important to stop or find a different skill that will allow you to get to the same end result.

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