Reflection on NL module 1 and 2

1- This module is going to be most useful to me while I’m a student. I learned many different test taking strategies that I was able to use for my last exam. The tip I used most was the plus, minus, question mark strategy for multiple choice questions. Priority setting is another concept that will need to be used as both a student and a nurse. The strategies they suggested for figuring out what is most important can be helpful in both test taking and practical settings. I will be using these tips for the rest of my student career, for the NCLEX, and in my future as a nurse.

2- I believe that this module will be very helpful to integrate into my future nursing practice. Through this lesson, I was able to explore different concepts on how to make important clinical judgments. Patient catered care is something I believe is most important. I learned that it is impossible to have patient centered care without the concepts from the helix of success. I hope the integration of these concepts will lead to success in my current career as a student, and when I become an RN.
