Reflection on NL Module 3 and 4

3. This module provided me with information on learning styles. This was especially important for me as a student when understanding new content. I have come to understand that I am not most efficient with a single learning style. I work best with a combination of visual, auditory, and tactile methods. I learn best by doing, talking aloud, and looking at images. Now that I know what works best for me, I can apply them to my study habits for exams and eventually the NCLEX.

4. Priority setting questions are ones that I tend to struggle with most. I find it difficult to determine which patient requires the most immediate attention. I have learned previously about the nursing process, ABC’s, and Maslow. This module helped me to understand different frameworks for answering these kinds of questions. Things like least restrictive, survival potential, and acute vs chronic are additional ways to help with priority setting on exam and NCLEX questions.

One Reply to “Reflection on NL Module 3 and 4”

  1. Bianca, you are right on target that priority-setting is a huge component of nursing and I am pleased to see that this has been helpful. I would have like a bit more in-depth discussion of how you will use this new learning in clinical practice.

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