Art in Nursing

Art and creativity have been extremely important to me for most of my life. It would only make sense to choose a career that involves creativity. Even Florence Nightingale herself had said that nursing is a form of art. A nurse must come up with creative and individualized ways to care for their patients. Just like in this painting by Monet, a nurse tends to their patients like this woman cares for her garden. Each patient is unique, just like the flowers in this painting, and a nurse must do their best to assure each of them are receiving the best care possible. Not only does this require creativity, but also dedication and preparation. This is important to me because I really stand behind these principles and I cannot wait to transition from applying them in my every day life, to being able to apply them to my future career as a nurse.

3 Replies to “Art in Nursing”

  1. What a beautiful selection Bianca. I loved your analogy of the garden of flowers to the individual patient and how each flower/patient is unique and that the ‘art’ in nursing is that recognition and application of skills to that person. Very nicely done!

  2. Like yourself I have also been very involved with the arts. Our choices are very similar in the fact that we both looked at the more abstract art to represent what the art of nursing means to us. For my art I chose a photo I had taken in a seemingly dark woodsy area and when edited it revealed a path. This path I attributed to the path that we must find as new grad nurses starting out in new and uncharted territory. The biggest difference between our two pieces is just the imagery we used to describe what we view the art of nursing as being to us.

  3. Hi Bianca! I really like that you chose a piece of artwork that was not directly representative of nursing. The piece of artwork I chose was a statue of a nurse helping a soldier. Your piece of work allows more interpretation, which I think is very interesting. I agree with you that nursing can be related to gardening because of the dedication, preparation and creativity that goes into it. Both of our art choices demonstrate how each patient requires a personalized plan of care, but this painting in particular exhibits that message because each flower would require a specific plan of care. The statue I chose shows the same dedicated relationship through the obvious interaction of care between the nurse and soldier.

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