Course Description and Objectives

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course explores the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings that inform nursing knowledge relevant to the role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse. Emphasis is placed on use of the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preferences to improve healthcare quality.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge from the art and science of nursing, the natural/behavioral sciences and humanities tonursing education, practice and research.
  2. Utilize theoretical frameworks as a basis for nursing and interprofessional practice, research, andeducation.
  3. Examine the assumptions and conceptual frameworks inherent in nursing’s core values that influencethe quality of health care for individuals and families.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and skill in utilizing research evidence for nursing practice.
  5. Recognize the important leadership contributions that each nurse can make to implement EBP topromote quality and safety.
  6. Explore the use of theory and evidence based knowledge to guide a systematic approach to nursing care.
  7. Analyze and evaluate selected nursing theories for translation into practice, research and nursingeducation.

Planning the Journey

I anticipate this team project to be successfully accomplished though communication and organization. It is important to communicate with one another what the expectations are for participation. This can be a good way to show accountability if the partner is not doing the work that is agreed-on. Since I have one partner, we will break up the work evenly between the two of us. We will also incorporate proof reading each others work, and letting the other know if changes need to be made. The best way to communicate for our busy schedules is through texting. We do see each other often in between classes, so it could also be discussed then. A benefit of working with a partner is that they can incorporate a different point of view. This could also lead to a barrier if commonalities can not be found or if writing styles are different. This will be helpful for me in my future practice because it will teach me how to work well with others. It is important to learn how to work with others who are similar to you, but also those who are different.
