Sim 1 Reflection

While getting ready for this first simulation, I did not feel fully prepared. I was confident in the information that I needed to know, but I was not confident in my therapeutic communication. One of the challenges that I faced prior to the sim was definitely nerves involving these communication techniques. I was not sure what to expect when meeting the actors. Because of this, my group struggled a little bit on how we were supposed to approach the patient and ask the right kinds of questions. The first interview we did was less of a conversation and more of an interrogation. It was hard to establish the flow of conversation and to know appropriate times for certain questions. After having this experience, I know that I need more practice to become more proficient in therapeutic conversation. It was a struggle trying to connect the things we learn in class into speaking with the patient. I do not think I would be quite ready to address mental health problems in a clinical setting. I think I have a good basis of what makes a successful therapeutic conversation, but I do not have enough practice for it to be beneficial. Through this experience, I learned that mental health nursing is difficult. Not only do you have to be knowledgeable in the subject, but you also have to be an effective communicator. I believe that with a lot of practice that I could get to a point where I would feel more comfortable having these types of conversations with patients. I have also learned that mental health nursing happens in all settings. Because of this, I will be able to practice communication techniques often and be able to apply what I learned in this class and simulation to my future practice as a nurse. 

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