Influence Paper

This paper was meant to explore the impact of breastfeeding with gestational diabetes on the infant’s growth. The research was based off of a systematic review and 2 cohort studies. An emphasis was placed on patient education to allow for the safest outcomes for infant growth and development.

Final Reflection

I have learned quite a bit from this team project research paper. The first thing that I learned is the value of teamwork. The most important thing I value when working with others is communication. As a team member, I always did my best to communicate about what needed to be done and how to break up the work evenly. Luckily, my partner did the same thing back so we were able to work efficiently. I believe that the best work and best care can be given when many great minds can efficiently work together. The second thing I learned about is the importance of evidenced based practice. In our paper, on thing we focused on was the role of education. Without evidence, it is impossible to accurately educate patents and give them the best quality of care. As a new nurse, I will recognize the importance of EBP and accurately apply what I learn to patient care and education.
