Pre-Interview Reflection

I chose this person because we have been friends for years now, but I have never worked with them in a professional setting. I always noticed that this person was not the type to follow along with the rest of the crowd. Since I noticed their leadership qualities outside of the workplace, I would like to interview them to see how they incorporate them into the workplace.  They are a new nurse and do not necessarily have a formal leadership role. An example of a formal leadership role would be nurse manager or charge nurse. Even though this person is not in a leadership position, like a manager, they still can act as a leader when it comes to their patient’s care. An example of this is being an advocate for the patient. Communicating with the provider what you believe is best for your patient is a form of leadership. I do know a little bit about their experience in the new grad program, but I would like to know more. I think it is fascinating how leadership qualities are important in nursing even in a non-leadership role. In this interview, I am interested in learning how a new graduate nurse can still demonstrate these qualities and how it can affect patient care. I am also interested in if this person has self-awareness of their leadership qualities and if they recognize them daily while working. I think this interview will be a different perspective of leadership and I look forward to learning something new about this person.

Preparation for Licensure Pharm

I think I did a much better job at not changing my answers compared to the first Adaptive ATI. I also took my time and tried not to rush. I still think that I could have used a break or two, but overall, I am pleased with my results. I think I need to go over pharmacology more before I take the NCLEX but doing the remediations has helped me to review some of the medications. for my next assessment, I will continue to try and take my time and not change any of my answers.

Preparation for Licensure MedSurg

 After taking the first adaptive medical surgical ATI, I learned a lot about myself. I realized that I need to slow down and take my time with each question. I made a lot of mistakes my misreading or missing parts of questions and answers. I also need to stop changing my answers; however, this has been a long-standing issue that I have had. There was a lot of content that I remembered that I was surprised about, others that I needed some brushing up on. Overall, my testing experience went okay, and I will incorporate these changes in the next adaptive quiz I take. 

Career Development

I loved hearing the nurses speaking about their jobs in the NURSES If Florence Could see Us Now film. What resonated with me most is that nurses can make a difference in so many ways. It does not matter which path you chose, you can have an impact on others lives. One of the nurses spoke about being bold, brave, and courageous when others won’t and that are there so many different paths you can chose to change the world. I believe throughout nursing school, I have begun to develop these qualities. I think I still have a long way to go, but I hope that I keep these things in mind and continue to develop as a person and as a nurse. A population mentioned in the movie that I have yet to have experience with was the Native American population. The nurse spoke about their beliefs and how it can interfere with their care. Some believe in the power of prayer, and your job as the nurse is to advocate for your patient and be able to care for them in the best way possible while still being respectful of their wishes. This can be applied to working with any culture and something I will stay mindful of when working with these populations in the future.

            After reviewing the career services presentation and listening to the guest speakers, I definitely was overwhelmed. Even though I felt this way initially, I realized that it helped me prepare for a future interview. I learned that I should always be prepared with questions before I enter. I learned to describe my strengths in an effective way, I would incorporate them with the values of their mission statement. It is important to be confident in both strengths and weaknesses. When addressing weaknesses, I will show motivation to improve and the desire to change. Overall, I learned that it is important to be confident and prepared. 
