Pre-Interview Reflection

I chose this person because we have been friends for years now, but I have never worked with them in a professional setting. I always noticed that this person was not the type to follow along with the rest of the crowd. Since I noticed their leadership qualities outside of the workplace, I would like to interview them to see how they incorporate them into the workplace.  They are a new nurse and do not necessarily have a formal leadership role. An example of a formal leadership role would be nurse manager or charge nurse. Even though this person is not in a leadership position, like a manager, they still can act as a leader when it comes to their patient’s care. An example of this is being an advocate for the patient. Communicating with the provider what you believe is best for your patient is a form of leadership. I do know a little bit about their experience in the new grad program, but I would like to know more. I think it is fascinating how leadership qualities are important in nursing even in a non-leadership role. In this interview, I am interested in learning how a new graduate nurse can still demonstrate these qualities and how it can affect patient care. I am also interested in if this person has self-awareness of their leadership qualities and if they recognize them daily while working. I think this interview will be a different perspective of leadership and I look forward to learning something new about this person.

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