Preparation for licensure comp a

Overall, I am satisfied with how I did on this assessment. I think I have been doing a good job at combining all of the previous testing strategies that I have been struggling with. One thing I do think I could still do better with is taking my time. I tend to rush through questions and not read them completely which causes me to answer them incorrectly. I remember specifically one question had asked about the acute phase of a disorder, but I read it too quickly and missed the keyword. For an exam that was this many questions, I was impressed with how little my brain fatigued. I have been doing a better job at recognizing when my brain needs a break and I have been trying to be better about taking them more often. For the next exam, I will make sure I read the questions and answers thoroughly and try not to rush through it.

Prep for licensure adaptive Maternity 

Taking these adaptive tests has taught me when my brain starts to get fatigued and I need a break. I noticed on some of the questions that I knew the answer, however just misreading the question caused me to get the answer wrong. I think I am doing a better job at not going back and changing my answers. I still think that I can take my time more on each question. Overall I think I am becoming better at taking these adaptive exams.

Prep for licensure proctored pharm

On the proctored pharmacology assessment, I did not do as well as I had hoped. I think I was not as focused as I should have been and had a hard time concentrating in applying the testing strategies that I’ve been working on throughout practicing for this test. Typically, I am not a great test taker, especially in the classroom environment, which is not a skill that I can learn to improve when I am at home taking practice exams.  One thing I did get to take away from this test, is that I can now recognize the things that I need to work on to be able to improve them for the next proctored exam. 

Prep for licensure pharm B

For this practice exam, I felt like I did a much better job at applying all of the strategies I have been aiming to achieve. I did not change my answers, I took my time, and I read all of the responses before I answered. I think this showed well in my results, considering I did much better on this one compared to the first. These practice exams are helping me prepare for sitting for the NCLEX.

Attaining and protecting your professional nursing license

I am planning on becoming a licensed nurse in Massachusetts which is not considered a compact state. However, I live pretty close to New Hampshire and most likely will be applying to jobs there as well. To become licensed by examination in MA, an application can be submitted online through the state board of nursing website. This application requires a student who has graduated from a board-approved nursing program, of good moral character as defined my state law, and have passed the NCLEX. I could not find anything on the website about the process of a criminal background check, but considering the applicant needs to be in good moral standing, I assume this is required.

I have been able to find some more information about being a nurse in the state of Massachusetts. The website states that the state has authorized the board of nursing to investigate any complaints filed against nurses. To keep their license, the nurse must be able to demonstrate that they can practice safely and competently. For disciplinary action to take place, the board must determine that the nurse has not violated the law. A nurse in this state is required to report any signs of abuse and can fill out the form that’s linked on the website. I have also discovered that Massachusetts is a state that has a substance abuse and rehabilitation program for nurses. To enter this abstinence-based program, a nurse must sign a legally binding document to participate.

Working as a nurse, many legal issues can arise. To protect myself and my license, the first thing I will do is get insurance. When I start practicing as a nurse, I will make sure to always work in my scope of practice. I will make sure I fulfill my duties as a mandated reporter, advocate for my patients, verify orders with the providers, and ask questions if there is something that I do not know. As a new graduate nurse, there are plenty of things that I will not know. Because of this, I will make sure that I will not be afraid to ask for help if I need it.
