Presenting Change

Our project was done on infection control. We created posters that were posted to the unit that we did our NSG 456 clinical rotation on. These posters included ways to help prevent the spread of infections in the hospital setting. A survey monkey link was put on the poster to track the response to the information given. The data from the survey is still pending. It is unfortunate that we could not be there to see the posters and how the staff will respond to them. We did receive some feedback from our clinical instructor, which will be helpful to apply for future projects. She said that the length of time of washing hands is actually longer than singing happy birthday, which is a common recommendation. This might be an interesting fact to add to the poster. She also stated that next time, to not forget that skin and wound infections can be considered hospital acquired. 

            What we learned from this project can be applied to the rest of our nursing careers. Hospital acquired infections are a big problem and is something that needs to be addressed. What I learned most is that sometimes just simple things can help prevent the spread of infections. In my future nursing practice, I will be sure to thoroughly wash my hands and follow the hospital protocols for infection prevention. As a new nurse, it is important to be upfront about your plans in ways to contribute to quality improvement and initiating evidence-based practice. 

            For this project, I believed that out team worked well together. As a team member, I was there to put in the amount of work necessary to make sure our project was done well. It was getting hard towards the end of the semester when we all had different schedules and preceptorship to worry about. In the end, I believe we did a good job working together and making sure that the project was up to our standards.

Proposing Change

Our group decided to focus on the topic of infection control. We learned throughout nursing school that preventing hospital acquired infections is a top priority of most hospitals. It was not until we got onto the unit that we realized how prominent this issue is. Seeing the statistics on how common HAIs are was eye opening. We found that the best way for reducing these numbers were just by education. The longer I spend in nursing school and being exposed to healthcare, the more I realized how many things can be avoided just by prevention and education. 

Our topic was recommended by one group member, and everyone agreed that infection control was a great idea to do our project on. In the beginning, our draft needed to be changed slightly but there was no need to revise the topic. Our team worked well together and made sure assignments were submitted on time. We had a group chat to be able to communicate effectively and there were no issues or challenges that needed to be solved. 

The findings of this report can easily be applied for my future nursing practice. Even though I am not a nurse yet, I am a huge advocate in prevention. I love educating patients and family members on health-related issues and how prevention can improve their overall wellbeing. For this project, I learned that it is important for nurses to be educated on how to prevent HAIs. I can now incorporate these methods of infection control into my future nursing practice and hopefully be able to prevent my patients from having complications that can be preventable. 

Public Health and Vulnerable Populations

There are many factors that influence the health of vulnerable populations. The first example is the ability to access healthcare. Many populations do not have health insurance, the means to pay for care, or even located near health care services. A second example is location where these populations live. Communities that are surrounded by air that is not clean, do not have yards to exercise in, or do not live close to grocery stores to buy healthy foods all have an increased likelihood of not being in good health. Historical forces can also prevent communities from trusting health care providers. For example, African Americans may be hesitant about contacting health services due to past unethical studies done on their population like the Tuskegee study.

A way to improve the health of these vulnerable populations include equality, equity, and justice. Equality is the assumption that every person will benefit from the same supports, and that everyone deserves equal treatment. Some parts of equality may be beneficial for these populations, but not all. Equity means that each population gets the supports that they need. This idea shows that different communities need different supports to allow for a healthy community. Lastly, justice means that the root causes of the inequity were addressed. Although there is not much an individual can do about justice, we as healthcare workers can provide better care through the understanding of these concepts.

Planning Change

This team dissemination project is a great opportunity to work together to address a clinical issue and try to implement change. This project will be accomplished through teamwork and communication. We have made a group chat together so contacting everyone will be easier. We are going to breakup the amount of work so that all members can have an equally important part for a successful dissemination. Through direct contact with one another, we can hold each other accountable and make sure all of the work will be done. If someone is not contributing to the group, it is important to contact them and discuss barriers as to why the work is not complete, partially complete, or not done in a timely manner.

A benefit for this project is being able to work in a big group. As a nurse, you are always working in a collaborative environment, so it is important to be able to learn how to work with others successfully. This also can create a challenge due to delegating things to a large group. The best way to overcome this barrier is through communication. Professional and effective communication call allow for a a great work environment and can promote better teamwork for this project and in our future nursing practice.

Final Reflection

I have learned quite a bit from this team project research paper. The first thing that I learned is the value of teamwork. The most important thing I value when working with others is communication. As a team member, I always did my best to communicate about what needed to be done and how to break up the work evenly. Luckily, my partner did the same thing back so we were able to work efficiently. I believe that the best work and best care can be given when many great minds can efficiently work together. The second thing I learned about is the importance of evidenced based practice. In our paper, on thing we focused on was the role of education. Without evidence, it is impossible to accurately educate patents and give them the best quality of care. As a new nurse, I will recognize the importance of EBP and accurately apply what I learn to patient care and education.

Appraisal and Synthesis

I discovered that there was not a lot of information about our topic. I was surprised to learn that not a lot of quality research was done on the impact of gestational diabetes on infant growth. I assumed that this topic regarding infant health would be significant for education for mothers deciding whether or not they want to breastfeed. This made me realize that it is important to not make assumptions about what is already researched. Our teamwork was great overall, and we agreed on most things. No problems arise and the work was split evenly between us.

From inquiry to discovery

When beginning our research, it was evident that our PICOT question needed editing. We had a difficult time finding research articles that related directly to our picot question. After we tweaked our PICOT, we were able to refine our results. There was a systematic review article we knew would be helpful with our paper, but we could not figure out how to access it. With the help of our professor, we were able to add this to our list of sources which was extremely helpful. Our team works very well together, and we always try to split work evenly. All of our projects are done together and we help each other when needed.

Planning the Journey

I anticipate this team project to be successfully accomplished though communication and organization. It is important to communicate with one another what the expectations are for participation. This can be a good way to show accountability if the partner is not doing the work that is agreed-on. Since I have one partner, we will break up the work evenly between the two of us. We will also incorporate proof reading each others work, and letting the other know if changes need to be made. The best way to communicate for our busy schedules is through texting. We do see each other often in between classes, so it could also be discussed then. A benefit of working with a partner is that they can incorporate a different point of view. This could also lead to a barrier if commonalities can not be found or if writing styles are different. This will be helpful for me in my future practice because it will teach me how to work well with others. It is important to learn how to work with others who are similar to you, but also those who are different.
