Presenting Change

Our project was done on infection control. We created posters that were posted to the unit that we did our NSG 456 clinical rotation on. These posters included ways to help prevent the spread of infections in the hospital setting. A survey monkey link was put on the poster to track the response to the information given. The data from the survey is still pending. It is unfortunate that we could not be there to see the posters and how the staff will respond to them. We did receive some feedback from our clinical instructor, which will be helpful to apply for future projects. She said that the length of time of washing hands is actually longer than singing happy birthday, which is a common recommendation. This might be an interesting fact to add to the poster. She also stated that next time, to not forget that skin and wound infections can be considered hospital acquired. 

            What we learned from this project can be applied to the rest of our nursing careers. Hospital acquired infections are a big problem and is something that needs to be addressed. What I learned most is that sometimes just simple things can help prevent the spread of infections. In my future nursing practice, I will be sure to thoroughly wash my hands and follow the hospital protocols for infection prevention. As a new nurse, it is important to be upfront about your plans in ways to contribute to quality improvement and initiating evidence-based practice. 

            For this project, I believed that out team worked well together. As a team member, I was there to put in the amount of work necessary to make sure our project was done well. It was getting hard towards the end of the semester when we all had different schedules and preceptorship to worry about. In the end, I believe we did a good job working together and making sure that the project was up to our standards.

Planning Change

This team dissemination project is a great opportunity to work together to address a clinical issue and try to implement change. This project will be accomplished through teamwork and communication. We have made a group chat together so contacting everyone will be easier. We are going to breakup the amount of work so that all members can have an equally important part for a successful dissemination. Through direct contact with one another, we can hold each other accountable and make sure all of the work will be done. If someone is not contributing to the group, it is important to contact them and discuss barriers as to why the work is not complete, partially complete, or not done in a timely manner.

A benefit for this project is being able to work in a big group. As a nurse, you are always working in a collaborative environment, so it is important to be able to learn how to work with others successfully. This also can create a challenge due to delegating things to a large group. The best way to overcome this barrier is through communication. Professional and effective communication call allow for a a great work environment and can promote better teamwork for this project and in our future nursing practice.
